The SAASINABOX GHL Snapshot is here!

The Powerful snapshot that will have your GHL SAAS running in 60 mins or less!

> FIRST , we hand over a copy of our battle-tested SaaS system.

>> THEN we guide you through setting up a cost-effective ad campaign to reel in fresh leads
>>> THEN onboard easily using our free GHL interactive product guide + AI workflows to upsell and book meetings!

>>>> FINALLY we provide a full marketplace and system for you to add a high-value white label service to your offerings

GoHighLevel Snapshot Demo video:

Here's your pathway to Success:

  • Unearth the strategies behind our successful venture:

  • Duplicate our proven SaaS template.

  • Rapid setup in under an hour.

  • Use our Facebook Ad Template that consistently brings in 20+ appointments/sign-ups a month.

  • Discover your own marketplace filled with high-ticket white-labelled upsells.

  • Automate your client SAAS onboarding with our interactive onboarding tour guide

  • White label SAAS Explainer video you can use on your landing page / sales calls / marketing campaigns!

  • AI first line email maker - improve GHL cold email opens by 20%!

The Journey to your own SAAS

Building my SAAS: wasn't a walk in the park. It took months of tweaking and fine-tuning. But guess what?

You get to skip all that hassle. I'm talking about step-by-step guides, templates, and all the insider tricks to get your very own SaaS up and running in 60 minutes.

"SaaS in a Box is where it all started for me! I joined the course, and a few hours later, here I am with a SaaS!

It's totally changed the direction of my agency business! "

Michelle Veasey - Get Your Marketing Ltd

Janos Vizi - AD Ubiquity

"I feared that not having an agency before starting would slow my progress. However, the course comes with everything you need to run a full-fledged agency, including upsells! So it was a great success! I already have clients! wooop! "

Michael Andrew - LeadLeaders Pro

Why SAAS is your solution:

Customer churn is a persistent problem for agencies. Huge sums are spent acquiring clients, only to lose them in a short span. We offer you a way out - a SAAS platform that keeps clients engaged and loyal.

But we understand, developing a SAAS can be a daunting task. So, we're handing over ours for you to model and modify as you see fit.

Learn how to secure new clients with a simple Facebook method and retain them with a monthly SAAS solution, before you present them with your other high-value services.

Your SAAS Advantage:

Provide your clients with a platform that not only serves as an enticing opening offer but revolutionizes their work process.

They will use the software daily for client communication, feedback collection, and CRM. Establish simple, effective funnels for your clients and master their campaigns.

Leverage our ready-made funnels and marketplace to upsell your high-value services at multiple points

The most common problem is customer churn.

An agency will spend a fortune acquiring clients, only to lose them within a few months.

SAAS is the solution to this problem. You are giving them a platform that is vital to their ongoing success.

However, developing a SAAS is a time-consuming and challenging undertaking.

So why not use ours as a model?

Then learn how to find new clients on autopilot with a simple Facebook method!

You then provide your customers with a STICKY monthly SAAS solution before upselling them on your other services. Easy.

Additionally, you'll get the exact

PLUG AND PLAY Facebook Ad Templates

that we use to achieve results like this:

$118 ad spend and 53 appointments booked!

$105 ad spend and 56 demos booked!

SAAS IN A BOX: What's Inside?

  • A concise course guiding you through setup.

  • An exact copy of our successful PowLeads SaaS Template.

  • Complete GHL website and landing pages.

  • Our full marketplace for automated upselling.

  • Plug and play Facebook AD materials.

  • New - CHATGPT AI workflows (cheaper then using the inbuilt)!

  • NEW - Training to make a free onboarding interactive product guide!

  • NEW - White label SAAS Explainer video you can use on your landing page / sales calls / marketing campaigns!

  • NEW - AI first line email maker - improve cold email opens by 20%!

  • Bonus videos showing you how to craft effective funnels for your clients.

  • Access to our exclusive FB group

  • NEW - Access to The Content Alchemist my free ai content course allowing you to

    explode your personal brand and bookings!

No products available



The SaaS Template is built upon GoHighlevel Software, you will be required to create a 14-day free trial agency or saas mode account to use the template effectively.

You will receive a website template not identical to our own. However, you will be given an opportunity to upgrade to our exact WordPress website template, but we have produced results with the same template given. The sales figures stated on this landing page are our personal sales figures, and in some cases, the sales figures of previous or existing members. Please understand that these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys "how to" information gets little to no results due to a lack of dedication. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PACKAGE.


We ask you to watch the first video. If you don't like what you hear we will refund 100% back no questions asked. We want only dedicated individuals to take the course.

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